
Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture – MP3

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Finding freedom often starts with an understanding that we might be blind to our captivity. Learn what authentic freedom is and how to escape the cultural walls that try to keep us from it.

Finding freedom often starts with an understanding that we might be blind to our captivity. When Jesus talked to His followers about gaining freedom they responded, “we have never been in bondage to anyone.” This generation has become captive to TV, captive to social networks, captive to texting, captive to video games, captive to pornography, and captive to a number of other forms of electronic media that have taken control of many lives and are holding them hostage. Many adults, young adults, teens, and children have been deceived by the world’s philosophy that freedom means doing whatever you please.  Learn what authentic freedom is and how to escape the cultural walls that try to keep us from it.


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